Monday, September 8, 2008

Did you notice that?
I can now sprout hands myself,
And cast the iron stand for myself,
I don’t need you anymore,
I can laugh at my own cast,
And cry at your door.

I have taken my own dirty flight,
With my dirty wings and with my might,
Dance away my own little hopping plight.

You have let the dog on me,
I am not going to bitch,
I can now sprout my hands myself,
And I can get to hitch,
With your dirty itch.

I don’t need you anymore,
I can laugh at my own cast,
And cry at your door.


Prarthito said...

wow man...u r a poet,nd we didnt evn know seriously man..its xcellnt...btw...who says u r alone???

Fox in the Attic said...

ki re. phatiye phelichish dekhi
seriously, its god stuff.

Fox in the Attic said...

good I meant...the keyboard's jinxed

Anurag Mazumdar said...

thank you ritu!!yet read it..and thats a lot.but with this particular piece..i was not at peace with myself.surprises me that u liked it so much!!

Anurag Rudra said...

Good poem....the ending was apt. Liked the tightness and texture of the poem. Great!

Anurag Rudra

Aamar blog kemon laglo janiyo.... :)